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Clubs & Organisers

Diversity and Inclusion

Making sure your club promotes the values of equality, diversity, and inclusion improves the experience for all your club members. By providing a positive experience where everyone is welcomed, supported and included in your Club, your members will feel valued and respected. Regardless of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, financial situation or ability, you can make sure motorsport is a safe, fair, fun, inclusive and progressive environment for everyone.

The term inclusion is regularly used nowadays but what does it mean? Have a look at this video by Club Matters to see what inclusion means, and how your Club can benefit from being inclusive:

To hear more about how Motorsport UK are promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in motorsport, head to the dedicated page on our website. 

Resources for Clubs

Inclusive Language Guide

Diversity and Inclusion Calendar

EDI Policy Template

Your Club's Guide To Ramadan

Pride and LGBTQ+ Inclusion