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Trials Committee

The Trials Committee advises on matters affecting the conduct and organisation of events confined to Trials Events, including Sporting Trials, Car Trials and Classic Trials, consistent with the development of the sport, to consider the clarity and impact of changes to the National Competition Rules taking particular account of the potential implications across different disciplines and to incorporate strategic planning.

Committee Members:

ChairSimon Woodall
MembersMartyn Halliday
Peter Hart (Association of Classic Trials Club Representative)
Liz Jordan (Regional Committee Representative)
Sam Lindsay (Motor Cycle Club Representative)
Trevor Moffatt (BTRDA Representative)
Andrew Tarring (Vintage Sports Car Club Representative)
Josh Veale
Motorsport UK SecretariatSteve Blakeman

To speak to the Trials Committee, please contact the committee email, stating the Committee you wish to speak to in the subject. Your request will be shared with the Executive and Secretariat.

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