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Introducing the Motorsport UK Learning Hub

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Motorsport UK is delighted to introduce The Learning Hub – the new, online learning platform for Motorsport UK members.

Whether you are an Official, Competitor, Marshal or Event Organiser, The Learning Hub aims to provide an easy to use and time-efficient online learning experience which will help you enhance your skills and prepare you for the role you have chosen to undertake.

The new platform will enable you to read articles, watch videos, complete knowledge exercises, interactive modules and much more.

We recognise that learning and development is key to our members’ enjoyment of the Sport – and it is imperative that we provide you with the appropriate knowledge and skills in order to carry out your role to the best of your ability. The Learning Hub is just one way in which we are committed to this.

The Learning Hub launched today with content aimed at Officials. Further content will be added each month, including specific content for Marshals, Event Organisers and Competitors.

Simply log in to your Members Area on the Motorsport UK website and follow the instructions from there.

If any members have any questions, please email us at