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Motorsport UK condemns racist and discriminatory language and behaviours

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Motorsport UK condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the racist and discriminatory language and behaviours recently directed towards Sir Lewis Hamilton.

Such attitudes and remarks have no place in our sport, or in society at all, and are completely reprehensible.

Motorsport UK stands shoulder to shoulder with Sir Lewis Hamilton – who is an incredible ambassador to motorsport. Sir Lewis inspires countless people around the world as he strives for racial justice in society.

Mike Bugembe, Chair of the Motorsport UK Racial Diversity Sub-committee, commented, “As part of Motorsport UK, I and the members of the Racial Diversity Sub-committee are tasked to increase racial diversity throughout UK motorsport. We give our unyielding solidarity and support to Sir Lewis Hamilton in light of the racial abuse he has endured on the global stage.

“Sir Lewis Hamilton is a beacon of hope in the constant battle for racial justice not only in F1 but in all motorsport and in society on a global level. He has endured this abuse throughout his career and in 2022 we in the motorsport community say “no more”.

“The burden to make the changes needed to stamp out racial hatred in our sport is not solely that of Sir Lewis. Yet he carries it, willingly, in the hope of one day seeing change. Let that day be today and let that burden be shared among all of those in motorsport who know what is right and know what is just.

“Let the talking stop and let the action begin, as Sir Lewis said: “There has been plenty of time to learn, time has come for action.”

In accordance with our Respect Code, anyone who does not follow the values and obligations of Race With Respect, including racist and discriminatory language and behaviours, at events under Motorsport UK’s authority will face disciplinary action and be referred to the ASN National Court.

Find out more about Motorsport UK’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion work here –