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Movember 60km Circuit Challenge

Thursday 12 November 2020

In support of The Movember Foundation, the Motorsport UK Academy has launched a 60km circuit challenge. The mission is to raise awareness of Mental Health, while also encouraging you to keep active and get moving during this second lockdown. 

Sixty kilometres represents the 60 men that we lose to suicide each hour, every hour across the world (source: Movember). The Movember Foundation is leading the way in providing mental health support for men, those diagnosed with prostate and testicular cancer, and their friends and family.

The Motorsport UK Academy has selected twenty circuits from around the UK which, combined, total just over 60km, and welcomes the motorsport community to join the Motorsport UK Academy Movember Team. You can run, walk, cycle or travel the distance of a circuit, or circuits. The choice is yours.

To join the challenge, simply:

  1. Sign-up to Movember and join our team
  2. Decide how you’ll complete the challenge
  3. Share photos/videos/donation link on social media
  4. Complete your challenge!
  5. Add your distance to the team site
  6. Keep sharing on social media – give updates on how you got on!

Share your 60km circuit challenge progress on your social media accounts using #60kmCircuitChallenge. You can make the challenge your own – skip the distance of a particular circuit, run the length of five, do it in fancy dress or even complete all the tracks throughout November.