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Revised consultation and approval process for Motorsport UK Regulations

Tuesday 07 February 2023

The Regulations, published by Motorsport UK via the Yearbook, commonly known as the Blue Book, includes all the basic rules governing participation in motorsport events in the UK and is available to download in the resource centre now.

Updated throughout the year, the new consultation and approval process aims to accelerate the procedure but also to increase competitor and officials’ engagement in the consultation process and to ensure that all responses are fully considered by the relevant Committees.

The consultation and approval process is outlined below:

  1. Specialist Committee recommends or seeks a revision or new Regulation.
  2. The responsible Executive produces Minutes / Action sheet within 7 days
  3. Responsible Executive passes to Committee Chair and to Regulatory Counsel for drafting or revision or approval if already drafted by the Committee
  4. Regulatory Counsel drafts and/or seeks approval of any revision from Committee Chair within 7 days
  5. Committee Chair to respond within 7 days
  6. As soon as settled, the proposed Regulation / revised Regulation is launched to consultation on the website both in the dedicated section (HERE) and by banner notice or social media if appropriate
  7. The Consultation period is then restricted to a maximum of 21 days. During this period, members are welcome to respond to the proposal via the relevant consultation email outlined in the consultation document
  8. Consultation responses will be collated by Responsible Executive and distributed to Committee Chair and Regulatory Counsel within 7 days of Consultation closing
  9. 7 days for finalisation and referral to Rules Chair or in extremis revert to Specialist Committee
  10. Rules Chair to manage the passage to Board in conjunction with responsible Executive(s).

All Motorsport UK licence holders are encouraged to participate in consultation by opting-in to receive notification of each consultation published. Click HERE for more information.

Following approval by the Motorsport UK Board, the digital version of the Motorsport UK Yearbook will be updated and made available on Motorsport UK’s resource centre.