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Motorsport UK Academy supports ‘Move for Movember’

Monday 01 November 2021

Motorsport UK Academy supports Movember for the second consecutive year with its #60kmCircuitChallenge, and encourages the motorsport community to ‘Move for Movember.’

In support of the month-long Movember campaign to raise awareness of men’s mental health, the Motorsport UK Academy has selected race circuits throughout the UK which make up a distance of approximately 60km. Sixty kilometres represents the 60 men we lose to suicide each hour, every hour across the world, and we are welcoming the motorsport community to join our team and get active with the #60kmCircuitChallenge.

The Mo the merrier

You don’t have to be an ultra-athlete to get involved. Run, walk, sprint, strut – how you move through your 60km is up to you! Remember to ask friends, family, teammates and colleagues to move with you to support your efforts.


Join the #60kmCircuitChallenge

  • Sign up for Movember and join our team
  • Decide how you want to complete the 60km
  • Tag and share your photographs, videos and donation link on social media using #60kmCircuitChallenge
  • After you’ve completed the challenge, add your distance to the team site

The Movember Foundation is leading the way in providing mental health support for men, those diagnosed with prostate and testicular cancer, and their friends and family. If you would like to find out more about the other Movember activities, click here.