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Fire Extinguisher Valve Co
Unit B3 Ford Airfield Industrial Estate
Ford, Arundel,
West Sussex BN18 0HY
0044 (0)1243 555566
0044 (0)1243 555660

FEV Fire Suppression are a leading manufacturer of a wide variety of car fire suppression systems and solutions for the motorsport industry. Our products suit a huge range of vehicles, requirements and budgets from handheld fire extinguishers to plumbed in race car systems. All FIA and Motorsport UK standards can be met by our innovative products. FEV Fire Suppression are the winning choice for the major top teams and manufacturers in Motorsport from around the world and the UK. Whether you’re involved in circuit racing, rally driving or historic racing, we have a fire extinguisher system for you and your vehicle.

Please visit our website or contact us for details.