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British Lawn Mower Racing Association Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Recognised Group
Year Club Established 2006

About Us

The British Lawn Mower Racing Association was founded in 1973 in a local pub by a bunch of sporting enthusiasts bemoaning the ever-increasing costs in all forms of motor sport. This new and eccentric sport became an almost overnight success and after just two or three events in the first few years, soon became responsible for over a dozen events each season.

The main aims of the association are to provide keen, well organised and inexpensive motor sport. Racing usually takes place between May and October. There are afternoon meetings, the season long British National Championships, the British Grand Prix, the annual 12 Hour Endurance Race and the World Championships at the end of each year.

We are a non-profit making organisation and any monies made from events are given to charities or good causes local to individual events. The BLMRA is run primarily for fun loving enthusiasts. It is an amateur sport, although run in a professional manner. There are no cash prizes and commercialism is discouraged. It is not a sport for trophy hunters and having said that, anyone who wants to compete or help run events or just be involved, will be made most welcome. The basic rules are that all mowers must be self-propelled by an engine. They must have originally been designed, manufactured and sold to mow domestic lawns.

No less a man than Stirling Moss has raced lawn mowers. He has won both our British Grand Prix and our annual 12-Hour Race. Derek Bell, World Sportscar Racing Champion, has won our 12 hour twice, having had much of his training while winning the Le Mans 24 Hour Sportscar race five times.
The Guinness Book of Records has been recording our efforts for some years, and at the moment there are two separate records to aim for.

British Motorsports Marshals Club Ltd.

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1957

About Us

Formally known as the British Motor Racing Marshals Club (BMRMC), the name was changed in 2012 to British Motorsports Marshals Club (BMMC) to reflect our members' involvement in a wide range of motor sport activities. Founded in 1957, the Club was established to provide a body of trained and qualified people that organising clubs could reliably call upon to marshal at their motor sport events. The Club introduced guidance on safe marshalling, training notes and procedures and a grading scheme so that organisers could trust that the volunteer marshals had the relevant skills. Over the years those guides and training notes have been translated into numerous languages and distributed throughout the world. They now form the basis of the Motorsport Safety Fund guides and Club members continue to contribute to revisions and updates. The Club’s Grading Scheme was adopted by the Motor Sport Association (MSA) and now forms the National Grading Scheme. If you wish to learn more about the history of the Club you can read about it in “50 Years of Motorsport Marshalling” ( ).

Today the Club continues to provide a body of qualified marshals organising clubs can invite to volunteer for their race meetings. Current membership is just over 2,500. A significant number of MSA registered Training Officers are members of the Club and we continue to organise training days throughout the UK for all marshals. In the face of dwindling marshals’ numbers the Club instigated research into alternative ways of marshalling and presented proposals to the Association of British Motor Racing Clubs (ABMRC) and the MSA. Not content with that, some of the Club’s North East region members (Team Wilson) put together the single most effective recruiting campaign ever, which saw 5,000+ new names to marshalling over a four year period. This initiative gained immediate support from BTCC organisers and the circuits, was initially self-funded (with valuable help from the Doghouse Ladies) but later gained some financial support from the MSA, as part of the MSA’s other initiatives to attract new people to all sectors of motor sport.

The BMMC continues to represent marshals’ interests at the highest level . We are proud of our reputation as the best in the world and we endeavour to develop ways of maintaining that position. The BMMC is THE marshals Club, owned and run by marshals for marshals.

The British Rally Marshals Club (BMRC) is a special interest subsidiary providing the same services to rallying that the BMMC provides in all other areas of motorsport. (see: )

British Racing Drivers Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1929

British Radio Car Association

Club Information

Member Type Recognised Group
Year Club Established 1995

About Us

The British Radio Car Association (BRCA) is the UK`s governing body for radio controlled model car racing. We oversee all aspects of the sport, from setting construction rules for the different classes, to organising British championship events, to selecting the British team for International competitions. The BRCA works closely with EFRA (the European governing body) and IFMAR (the World governing body) to ensure R/C racing is a sport that can be enjoyed by all nations. We have affiliated clubs all over the United Kingdom, where drivers meet to compete in organized events.

All members of the BRCA receive:
- Copy of the BRCA handbook
- Third Party Insurance
- Regular "Circuit Chatter" magazine
- Reduced weekend rates at Jarvis Group Hotels
- Cheap R/C car magazine subscription rates

The BRCA supports radio control model cars of all shapes and sizes, from 1:12 scale stockcars, to 1:8 scale nitro powered off-roaders, to 1:5 scale petrol engine powered touring cars. Whatever the scale, the cars are fully adjustable and the fastest versions are capable of reaching speeds of up to 80mph!

British Rally Marshals Club

Club Information

Member Type Marshals Club
Year Club Established 1980
Activities Marshalling

About Us

The British Rally Marshals Club was formed in 1980 by a group of people within the British Motorsport Marshals Club who all had a common interest in rally marshalling. Back in 1980 the "mission" of the BRMC was to promote Safer Motor Sport and that remains the club's primary objective to this day.
The club is organised into seven regions, each covering a defined area of the country. It offers members the opportunity to marshal at virtually any event they wish, coordinating volunteering and liaising with the organising clubs. The club has its own insurance scheme to provide members with extra cover whilst they are marshalling at or travelling to a recognised event.
The strength of the BRMC is in assisting the conventional motor clubs with running their rally events. This can be through the provision of marshals, radio crews, stage commanders, timekeepers etc.
Increasingly BRMC members are to be found getting involved in the organising teams and as Senior Event Officials on some of the larger and more prestigious National and International events that run all over the UK.
We need to make clear at the outset that the BRMC is NOT a "trade union" for marshals. What we are is a club which specialises solely in aspects of motor sport that are:
related to either marshals and officials
directly related to safety
It would not be true to categorize the BRMC as a pressure group but by maintaining its independence from other concerns it is able to concentrate on what is best for the marshal. Also because we are able to stand back from what is happening sometimes we are in the best place to see the obvious and those things that affect the safety of our sport.

British Slot Car Racing Association

Club Information

Member Type Recognised Group
Year Club Established 1995
Activities Recognised Groups/Associations

About Us

Organized slot car racing has come a long way since the humble beginnings using home set equipment in the sixties. There are clubs all over the country, so why not visit one near you. Modern cars can lap a typical 30 meter club track in 5 seconds. In those 5 seconds the driver has to brake and drive round 6 or more corners. The faster cars are capable of 60 mph on the straights. (that`s actual speed not scale speed) and have covered over 400 miles in 24 hours.
Examples of local clubs who are part of BSCRA include Bournemouth, Black Country (Cradley Heath) Corby, Coulsdon, Dowty (Gloucester), Eucurie Barnton (Dunfirmline), Fylde (Blackpool), Haydon (Bagshot), Highland (nr. Inverness), Leicester, Luton, Netley (Southampton), Newcastle, North London, Oaklands (Birmingham), Pinewood (Bracknell), Pontefract, Roedale (Brighton), Timaru MCRC (Broadstairs) and Enderby (Leicester).

Want to find out more - go to

British Superkart Racing Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Kart Club

British Trial & Rally Drivers Assn

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1938
Activities Autocross, Autotests, Car Trials, Rallying

About Us

The BTRDA organises the major national club championships for: Forest Rally, Asphalt Rally, Autotest, AutoSolo, Car Trials, Sporting Trials, Rallycross and Allrounders.
All have commercial backing and use the best club events available around the country. Each championship has its own organising committee headed by regular competitors.
See the website ( for detailed information and contact names for each branch of the sport.

British Truck Racing Association

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Activities Truck Racing

British Women Racing Drivers Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1962
Activities Car Racing, Hill Climbing, Kart Racing, Marshalling, Rallying, Sprints

About Us

The Club was founded in 1962 by Mary Wheeler MBE whose aim it was to:

- encourage and promote women in all forms of motorsport

- watch over the interests of members

- require all members to maintain a high standard of driving

Our objective is to promote WOMEN IN MOTORSPORT, and we are keen to encourage and assist any woman who is, or wishes to become involved in any form of the sport.

The opportunity to receive recognition for your achievements through our prestigious championships.

Meet with other club members at events, shows and social events throughout the country

You may already be a member of a motor club but does your club focus on the particular needs you have? WE CERTAINLY DO!

In addition to the above, we offer exclusive club insignia, and quarterly magazines for the latest news, views, interesting articles and social events

Although we do not organise events, the BWRDC Championships are based on members performances in their own field of motorsport

Broughton & Bretton Motor Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1953
Activities Marshalling, Rallying

About Us

Meet every Thursday at The Royal British Legion Penyffordd, Chester Road, Penyfford, Flintshire, CH40JZ from 8:30pm
We organise an annual National B Status Road Rally along with Navigation scatters throughout the year. Looking to expand our event portfolio for 2023 with the addition of PCAs/ Marshalling Trips/ 12 car Rallies. Along with some addition social events
Associate members of Welsh Association of Motor Clubs and ANWCC.
Run Navigational Scatter evenings and social events.
Established since 1945.

BRSCC (East Anglia)

Club Information

BRSCC (Head Office)

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Activities Car Racing

BRSCC (Midland Centre)

Club Information

BRSCC (North West Centre)

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1954

BRSCC (Southern Centre)

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1998

Buccaneer Motor Sports Club

Club Information

Member Type Marshals Club
Activities Marshalling, Rallying

About Us

Buccaneer Motor Sports Club (BMSC) is a small but very active marshalling club. Our members help organise and marshal on over 40 events throughout the year. These range from local road rallies and single venue stage events through to a stages on the Pirelli International Rally, Manx National Rally and Wales Rally GB. For the last couple of years we have also sent a team over to Germany to marshal on Rally Deutschland. Whilst predominantly rallying orientated, some of our members also marshal at circuit racing and hill climbs. As well as this we also organise trips to other motorsport events like Formula 1 races and motorsport shows and run our own family events like treasure hunts and a summer barbeque.

BMSC is always looking to introduce new people to the world of motorsport. If anyone would like to know more about any of Buccaneer MSC's activities, whether it be rallies or treasure hunts, they should contact Martin Wildsmith (see Club Email).

How to Join:
Contact the club secretary via the Club Email who will provide a link to our online application form or visit the club website using the link above and use the contact details.

BMSC membership currently costs £12.50 a year for a personal membership or £17.50 for family membership.

Buchan Off Road Drivers Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1998

About Us

BORDC is based in the NE of Scotland with venues ranging from Deeside and Stonehaven in the south, Fraserburgh in the north and Speyside in the west. The membership is currently approaching 100.
The Club runs a number of competitive events. These range from gentle introductory Tyros, through to modified vehicle trails and orienteering events.
Typically every 3rd Sunday of the month we hold a cross country trails event on rough ground such as disused quarries and 4 times a year we hold a cross country orienteering event in a large and open forest. Once or twice a year we strive to arrange a forest drive to which families are also welcomed.
Most events are open to road taxed and non-road taxed vehicles with classes to suit standard, modified and extreme vehicles such as 4WD buggies.
The club also runs various promotional and charitable events appearing at various local shows and providing demonstrations to promote the capability of the trucks and the safe manner in which the club conducts it's events
Some club members also participate in some of the challenging events such as the Tay Forest Challenge, Muddy Truckers, Phoenix, Scotia etc. in Scotland and the north of England.
New members are welcome with existing club members happy to provide advise and assistance.
Trial events are tailored to meet the needs of the club members and are suitable for everyday use vehicles or specials.

Buckler Car Register

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 2006
Activities Car Racing, Car Trials, Hill Climbing, Kart Racing, Sprints

About Us

Buckler Cars and Karts Register.
Please contact us if you have any information regarding Buckler Cars or Karts
Thank You

Bugatti Owners Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1930

About Us

Promoting Hill Climb events at Prescott Speed Hill Climb
Promoting Classic Hill Climb Championship for pre1972 cars